My First Blog *tear*

I'm so proud. Not really, I'm generally morally opposed to things like this (it goes against my religion), but I have nothing to do at work and I just realized my religion doesn't exist. Now nothing separates me from bloghood but my own imagination!!! That makes no sense.
Halloween (also known as the COOLEST holiday ever) is coming up. I'm going to be roadkill. Not just any roadkill, but raccoon roadkill. I considered my other options, but none of them seemed to work: Possum - ew, Armadillo - how would I find a costume for that??, Skunk - I'd have to put up with annoying drunk people all night making jokes about me stinking. I'll have none of that.
So, raccoon it is. Plus, raccoons are kind of cute. In a mangy, disease-spreading, cat-food-stealing, garbage-eating kinda way. My raccoon's cute-factor will be hindered by a few details, however. I will be covered in dirt and gore and there will be tire tracks across my back. Sweeeeet. I'm very pleased with my costume.
I just realized you DO have a blog. I'm soooo happy. *my own tear*
You will look cute in raccoon makeup by the by...and I will look smokin' hot in my fishnets! Ok, so that may be overdoing it a bit. I will look, um, not like a mom? Yeah, that'll do.
Ok Shley of A.... I am joining you in the blogging world too... Jon brought home a laptop and I can't seem to get off the thing.... The internet is extremely addictive! Sarah said that I should check out the blogging world and I think I am going to be hooked... we'll see... Anyway - are you guys planning on coming to the party on Saturday? I hope so - I have to see the roadkill!! It will be too good to pass by! Well... enjoy your day and I will chat with you soon!!
YAY! Three new people have entered the blogging world on the same day! (Me, Emily and Denise)
Emily and Sarah- So far I am planning to come to the party. Then a slight possibility I might not have the costume perfect by then, but I could still come anyway I guess... Throw on something cute and add blood!
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