It's Almost Kitty Time! Woot Woot!!

Okay, so I've wanted a cat of my own for about.... well, forever, now, and I've alllllmoooost reached the point where I can get 'un. What am I waiting for, you ask? Why, a one-bedroom apartment, of course! I'm currently living in a teeny tiny studio that has no room for me, let alone a frisky feline. But as of next Wednesday I will be a one-bedroom apartment woman!!!
Of course I (and my boyfriend James) will wait a little while to get said kitten, and let ourselves adjust, but once I'm adjusted LOOKOUT!!! It's kitten time!
I want a Maine Coon, if possible. They sometimes get to be as big as that poor lady's fluffy beast, but more often than not they're only slightly larger than regular cats and they're AWESOME. They're like the kind of cats that people who hate cats and love dogs should own, cause they act more like dogs than cats and they're ultra laid-back.
If I get a girl I'll name her Minerva McGonagall, and if its a boy I'll call him Phillip Seymour Hoffman (Seymour, for short).
I can't freakin' wait.....
Oh you definetly need to get a little baby kitten.... I need another neice or nephew!!! :)
Woot woot is right! You sound like that little girl from Animaniacs, "I'll love him and squeeze him and name him George". Oh, and it's only showing one post for the day.
Mooselette! Tis I, your every lovin' "mom o' boyfriend".
You do realize that kittens (ahhh, cute!) grow into cats (the cat pissed in the closet again!)? Awww, just fooling. You and the Moose should have a kitty in your soon to be new digs.
Hope to see you soon, I miss you!
Funny how my OWN mother comments on your blog before mine...hmmm. Conspiracy?
I'm just that loved, Sarah :) Actually I think she just assumes you know she loves you, considering you DID spring forth from her loins...
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