Work Is For Jerks.

I'm at work right now, and I'm not too happy about it.
One of the whiny professors I work for got mad because the exam that he ordered copies for came back 3-hole punched. He huffed and puffed to my boss about it ( but she hates him too). I know, I know, God forbid your test is easier for students to keep in their binders!!! By the way I'm pretty sure that the copy request this guy filled out specified that he DID want it 3-hole punched. Jerk.
So, Halloween is 6 days away and my craving for horror movies is escalating by the hour. I think tonight might be the night for the first installment of "Ashley Watches a Horror Movie Thinking She'll Find it Entertaining but Ends Up Creeped Out All Night". There's usually several episodes of this series, ending on All-Hallows Eve. You'd think I'd learn.......
Bosses suck. I am so glad I'm my own boss. I probably suck too, but at least I don't have to answer to me. Ok. I swear I'm not drunk.
And I'm going to keep saying it so you have no reason to back out. "See you Saturday!"
Right.... right.... "not drunk". It might sound like I'm being sarcastic but I'm totally not. I completely believe that you, Sarah, were 100% sober when you wrote that.... Ok so I am being sarcastic. But what the heck is wrong with being drunk anyway?!?
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