Cause Everyone Should Know...

Just so you know, the joke behind my title is a Simpsons quote (as is 99.3% of my daily dialogue. I know, its annoying to quote tv shows..... Shut up!!!). Its one of my favorite lines ever, and it goes like this:
Mr. Burns and Homer are playing golf. Homer picks up a club to guide his golf ball out of a sand trap.
Mr Burns- "No, no, no. Use an open-faced club! A sand-wedge!!"
Homer- "Mmm...... Open-faced club sandwich....*drool*"
So there you have it. Now, whoever you are, according to the laws I previously instituted, (see right under blog title) I love you. Yes, you. No, no..... not the guy next to you. That's right. You.
By the way, James now quotes The Simpsons more than I do. I've still got a good 15 years on him in Simpsons experience though...
Ah, that makes sense. We (Amy, Emily and I) were just talking about it last night. We decided it was funny because you can't have an open faced club because it's a stacker. That and you're a vegetarian. :)
Yeah, I'm not much for the beef.
That sounded nasty for some reason... like I was insinuating I'm a lesbian. But if I was going to make a meat joke I would have just said "I'm not much for the sausage". Now THAT would insinuate something :)
I'm going to stop confusing myself now.
Aw, who'm I kidding, no I'm not...
Thanks I couldn't bare to ask you what it meant since you specifically stated that you only loved those who knew what it meant - and I couldn't face you not loving me!!! :)
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