And it only took me 4 months...

Well, I finally got a job. Yay?
I did this group interview on Monday with a non profit organization called AFS-USA, an international student exchange program. It was a weird interview. There were 12 of us interviewing for 3 of the same position, with 3 employees at the conference table with us. We were basically trying to be charming and experienced, talking ourselves up in front of each other. It gave me the eewies a little bit. Half of the interviewees were WAY more qualified sounding than me, so when I left I called James and said "Yeah, there's no way in hell I'm getting this one." I was positive. Later that evening, as I was disparaging myself to James about how nobody wants me blah blah blah I get a phone call (mid-sentence) asking me to work there. Go fig.
So I start work tomorrow. It's only a temporary position (4 months), so I'll be unemployed basically on my birthday, but its good experience. I've recently become very interested in working for non profits. God knows this is the city to do it!
And it snowed up here this morning. If I were a better man, I'd upload the pictures I took this morning for you all to see. And if I were any man, James might dump me. We got at least 2 inches. I NEED MORE!!!
So, what's with the beachy picture, Ashley? Well, I'm not sure if I've told any of you yet, but I'm going to Florida at the end of March!!! *squeal* My dad, Jenna, and myself are going to Ft. Myers for a family reunion, but we're planning to escape them for a few days and check out South Beach and Miami, the keys, and maybe even do a fan boat ride on the everglades. I'm-a see me some crocs! Or is it alligators.... I'd be able to tell if I could only see its snout. The end of March is a perfect time too. It's just about the point in Oregon's yearly drear that I start to get a little weather-worn. Sun, surf, and sand? Yes please!
First, let me congratulate the employment! Nicely done Froeline! Also, may I point out that so many supposed temp positions turn into more. Just ask Martha, she just keeps on being hired "temporarily" for the firm that laid her off.
Of course, I'm not sure how fab the benefits are. I think that's the reason for the whole "temp" job, you are usually considered independent contractor, Bastards!
Hell, what do I know?
Oh, and I am seriously jealous about Florida. I'd say you should look up my brother while you're there, but why would you? Besides, he's taken yet another position. This time in Sacramento. I think he's already there.
Congrats ashley!!
oh and take me with to florida? ya? ok sweet! : )
Woo hoo! Congrats on the job!
Florida will be great. We're going to be at Disneyland at that time. I can't wait, even though we're going on a weekend during Spring Break. It's prolly gunna suck, but it'll be better than not going at all.
"I'm-a see me". I love you.
Way to go Shleee.
Good luck with the new job.
I think they are alligators. The only reason I think that is that the "Gators" are the mascot for Florida State University. Or U of F.
One of those.
And Crocs are shoes...
No. Crocs aren't shoes. They are the ugliest form of fashion faux pas to hit the market. And if you didn't think they were ugly enough, you can add even uglier charms to them! They do go great with oversized Looney Tunes t-shirts and faded spandex leggings though.
Sue- Thanks! Well, I know for sure this one's only a temp job, or should I say "seasonal". Yeah, no benefits, but ya know... money.
Haley- Thanks! Sure thing, I'll just pack you in a large suitcase with a bottle of water and a granola bar. Oh, and bring a sweater, cause it gets pretty cold in them stowage compartments.
Sarah- Thanks! Disneyland eh? So me, you, Josh, and the kids will be all tan and sexy while everyone else will be pasty. You gun-see you some Mickey's.
Mac- Thanks! (I'm noticing a trend here...) I believe you are correct sir.
Sarah again- Well played...
Congrats on the job, congrats on the snow, congrats on not being a man and congrats for getting to go to Florida... all of it rocks! :)
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