I'm bored.
Apparently the job market sucks. Go figure. (Insert some sort of Bush criticism here)
I've been applying to anywhere from 2 to 15 jobs a day and I'm still unemployed. Don't get me wrong, I get calls. But they end up being from jobs that are either A) terrible hours, B) terrible all around, or C) Way out in east Jesus (Thanks, Juno!).
I've had 3 interviews and apparently I'm useless. I've got 3 more next week though, and I've got to tell you, they're all pretty crappy.
One is in MILWAUKIE, which is even farther away than usual when you take the bus.
The other two are in TIGARD. (See comment for Milwaukie). Plus, one is an early morning job where I'd have to get up at 6 o'clock in the morning everyday (There's a 6 am now?) and bus myself for an hour and 15 minutes each way. The other Tigard job is a holistic pet clinic.... On the plus side I'd be working with pets. On the downside I'd be telling people to give their pets ginger root or calamine lotion or some stupid shit to cure their worms, when they really need prescription medicines. So yeah.....
Everyone, fingers crossed that I'll get called back from any of the following:
Oregon Historical Society
Portland Art Museum
Oregon Humane Society
The Oregonian
The Convention Center
Oregon College of Art and Craft
The Portland Clinic
or any NORMAL vet office.
I'm so listless my butt is actually aching from sitting. ACHING!!!! I'm going to start growing bed sores.
Good lord, its January and I still haven't posted Paris.
Oh well, ye'll git yer pictures when I feel like postin' 'em!
Ok, really. I'm sorry you're not finding anything. Maybe you should just start selling your organs. You don't NEED a pancreas, do you?
You can definitely sell some plasma. I hear that grows back. And so do limbs.
Sarah/Kara- I'm pretty sure I need my pancreas... My mom's friend jut died cause he had cancer there. But I like the way Kara thinks... Plasma grows back, but not limbs. Not unless I'm a lizard. I'm not... Hmm... Kidney? Ovum?
Sarah, didn't you sell your plasma in Missouri? Like more than once?(What else does one do in Missouri?)
Shlee, I wish I could just cross my arms, nod my head and blink you a job, ("I Dream of Jeannie" for you youngun') or wrinkle and wiggled my nose, ala Samantha Stevens, but alas and alak, this I can't do. But I am praying for you, not just for employment but for a job that you will love.
Nah, didn't sell my plasma. I drove Kelli to sell hers though!
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