I'm going to vent on neuroses here for a bit...

I don't think its any secret that I'm an anxious person. And I know I'm not the only person around who is terrified of flying (I'm looking at you, Sue). But I'm starting to get pissed at myself about my fear of flying. It just keeps getting worse as I get older. You see, this post is precipitated by flying nightmares. But here's the funny part: When I have nightmares about flying, I'm not falling out of the sky. There are no terrorists, no bombs, no engine failure. It's just me, on a plane, EXTREMELY ANXIOUS. I wake up from the panic! What the heck?!?!? Even in my dreams flying is the safest way to travel, but even in my dreams I just don't like it.
Herein lies the problem. I'm addicted to traveling. When I don't travel I get even more anxious. I feel like Europe was a coon's age ago and I'm jonesin' for more. Lucky for me, I have Florida coming up. But even though its still two months away I can feel the panic accumulating.
Like others who share this fear, it doesn't help ONE BIT when people tell us that its the safest way to fly, or that you're more likely to die driving to the airport, or that the chances are 1 in 11 million, yadda yadda... Even if a psychic could assure me that there was no possibility that my plane would crash I'd still be panicked. Cause, goddamn it, I just don't like being up that high, stuck, and completely out of control. And that's why no assurance of safety is ever good enough.
I'm not ever going to let that stop me from traveling though. I guess I'm doomed to a life of heavily sedated travel.
I am right there with you on the fear factor - however I have allowed mine to prohibit traveling... it sucks I know. My fear is so pathetic that I actually get a bit anxious just going to the airport - like someone is just going to drag me onto a plane and make me take a trip.... doubtful I know - but still scares me. I'm so sorry I wish there was something someone could say or do to make flying not scary....
I'm with you on the travel addiction. I have to take at least two trips out of the state a year. But I'm not with you on the flying part. I love me some airplanes.
Funny, I didn't know you had a fear of flying. I feel exactly the same way though. I'm going to D-Land in March and I have to take the kids. I'm already completely freaked out & yet...I'm totally stoked to see Mickey. So...
Seeing as this was directed right at me, I will comment.
Flying is impossible. The planes are FAR too heavy and can't get off the ground. You can explain the physics of this til you are a unattractive shade of blue, but JUST LOOK AT THE SIZE of those suckers.
((((Shakes head)))) Simply can't be done.
And the problem with medicating to fly? That only works for the HOURS before. What about the panic that sets in ahead of the whole nightmare.
Sadly trains are not much better, at least with airplanes there is not a huge issue of smacking into something. A train just barrels along, minding it's own "trainy" business, and KAPOW! Some nimrod drives his semi onto the tracks and STALLS...
I know, I'm utterly hopeless...
Emily- At least you could still travel "in theory". That's important!
Amy- Yeah, 3 or 4 times would be better though, wouldn't it?
Sarah- I actually thought of you when I was writing that, thinking "I wonder if Sarah's fear of the ocean spills over into a fear of flying...". And now I know. There is something in your guys' genes... But I can TOTALLY relate. Lets not speak of the orcas....
Sue- I knew you would make me feel better about myself. Not just cause I know someone out there feels like I do, but because yours is SO MUCH WORSE. It does help. And you're not crazy... Going places is scary!
And Sue again- I know. But I'll drug you up EXTRA good when we go with you guys to Scotland...
For years, especially when I was younger, I would have plane crash dreams. The weirdest were when the huge 747's would go by real slow, upside down and then crash.
Yeah, kind of sucks!
However, the right blend of drinkage could possibly sway me. Especially if I were off to see me some William Wallace.
Jim- I can see it now. You're on the plane, you order some scotch to toss back the tranquilizers with, and James can make you a tape of some bagpipe music you can unwind to. Or you could watch Braveheart on my portable DVD player. Distractions are key.
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