Oh, dear....

I've been pondering writing a post related to my latest research paper about the meat and fish industries and the environment (and don't worry, its not a lot of hippie horse pucky, just good info for the environmentally conscious) for the past few weeks. It will come shortly, and will ASTOUND you all. Astound, I tells ya.
But in the meanwhile, I thought I might blog uponst my most recent neurotic happening. The other morning, I was mid-sleep, waiting for James to come home from Seattle, when what should happen but a searing, crunching pain should find itself on the right side of my neck. I fall back asleep cause I'm that incoherent when I sleep. The next day, my neck hurts a lot on the right side. I feel the apex of the pain. There's a small, pea-sized lump just under my jawline, under my ear. Its hard and painful to the touch. Now, like any good hypochondriac, I proceed to poke and prod at it, making it hurt more and more with each jab. I start to think about the professor I know at my last job who grew GIGANTIC tumors all over her neck from lymphoma. She looked like a bullfrog after a month or two. I repress it. Hours later, I wake up from a terrifying dream where I have tumors the size of softballs on my head. I decide to go to Urgent Care on my lunch break.
So I go to the Dr, who tells me it is in fact just a swollen lymph node (apparently they can be pea sized after all and not just the standard marble sized) and I have a mild infection of some sort that doesn't require any sort of testing or antibiotics. Ahhhh........
So I went from oh-my-god-I-have-cancer-and-I'm-going-to-die! to your-gland-is-swollen-from-cold-season in a matter of moments. Such is my life.
Although I should say that I felt WONDERFUL on the walk back to my work. It was like a second chance at life. And then I got anxious from all the worry. I'm a veritable ball of nerves, people.
Expect insightful and astounding postage within the fortnight.
That would freak the heck out of me too. Everything immediately leads me to believe I have cancer.
Can't wait to read your research.
Reminds me of the other night when I felt a slightly raised something on my leg. Thought for sure it was a bug, since in fact it has to be a bug under my skin. Sarah had just told me about her friend that had them in her skin and had to pry them out. DISGUSTING by the way... anyway... I figured out the next morning when I looked at it in the light that it was just a scratch. Awesome. : )
Hope you feel better!
You guys should get together and write a horror film.
But really. What the crap? I am glad all is well with the Shlee of Ahhhh.
Froeline, my poor little froeline. I am pleased to know you will not be covered with tumors. Cause damn, that might end our relationship entirely. I can forgive alot of crap, but, ewwww, not tumors. Sorry I'm shallow that way.
I thought of another thing I HATE.
The word "nosh".
I HATE when people say nosh instead of eat. It makes me want to kill
you know if you hadn't gone...you would've totally died of some weird airborne swamp fever. paranoia checks save lives...and make for good stories.
Noah's Bagels is "Now Open for Noshing!"
Oh, man. Noah's Bagels? That aaaaallllllmost makes me want to swear them off forever. But the onion bagel is so gooooood.
And the Asiago Cheese Bagel. With shmear of course.
Sarah Chilcott, I like the way you think.
Why is it posting my name as Ashley? Meh?!?! Weeeeeeiiiiirrrd.
Any kind of lump on my body I instantly think I must be dying and I should say my goodbyes.... then I find out it's nothing - it's a zit! ;) Okay I'm not that bad....
Anyway - glad to know you are going to live another day! We like you.
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