Holy Fumigation, Batman!

The apartment was supposed to be gussied up yesterday. You see, when we moved in, the agreement was that the counters, linoleum, and shower would all be redone. Well, the linoluem was done, but the counters (for some reason unbeknownst to me) would cost us an additional $50 a month in rent- justfor them to repaint the top of them. So no counters. And the shower was to be redone on Monday before noon. So we prepare for the shower-men to come. They don't.
They show up today, without warning at 10:00 am (due to James' late night at work, he and I went to sleep at 4:00am, mind you, and both had busy days ahead of us and needed sleep). They need us to leave the apartment, and I have NO time to brush my teeth, put on makeup, or even go to the bathroom. So I go to work looking and smelling truly wonderful, I'm sure.
We were told that there would be fumes, but nothing too bad and they'd be gone by the time we got home tonight. Hmmm.....
I get home at 5:20 or so, and I'm walking down the hallway to the apartment. I smell something. It gets stronger and stronger as I walk toward the door. That can't be the shower, I think. That smells like a vat of chemicals was dumped onto the carpet. I open the door and WHOOOSH!! A wall of chemical stench hit me. I instantly run to see if the kitten is still alive, how could she live through this?!?! She did, the magic little kitty that she is.
So I've been trying to air it out, but its giving me a sore throat and my nose began pouring snot out. Plus I think I'm high right now. Not a good high either, like vicodin or pot. A bad high. Like huffing chemicals. I feel like a 5th grader trying to be cool. Only I don't want to be cool. I want to breathe, damnit!
So me and my magic kitty are sitting in here hoping we don't pass out and watching the Simpsons. Wish us luck...... and oxygen for that matter.
What a bunch of arses... I am so sorry! I remember the fumes from when James moved into the studio apartment - are they worse than that? I thought we were going to die... I had to keep Molly and myself near the window so that Molly wouldn't die or Charlotte who was still living in my belly! :) Well good luck and let us know if you need anything (like masks or things of that nature).....
We did that to ourselves once. We refinished the wood floors in our old house and completely ruined the atmosphere of a 12 block radius. We had to camp out in my parents' house. Awesome, only not.
So, when do we get to meet the elusive magic kitty?
Well.... I take her with me wherever I go, basically, cause I don't want her to be alone. She is very well behaved, too. I would say I could bring her over on Sunday or something, I think James has the day off (for once), but your mom might just kill me.
Eh, bring the kitty! My mom has had plenty of animals brought to her house. We have personally brought all of our animals to her house at one time or another. Besides, she needs some excitement.
Methinks me shall think about it...
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