Smorty-Smort, Blort-de-Blort.

In light of the recent "carpet bombing" by one Amy Shearer (see comments of my last blog for more on that), I have decided to bite the bullet and update my blog.
So much is going on lately, I don't know where to begin. First of all, we're moving. YAY!!!! We are moving up on Barnes Rd kinda in between the hospital and the cemetery, which is ultra convenient should one of us become ill suddenly and die. Our new apartment will still be only one bedroom, but much cooler (and might I add, more spendy). The grounds are woodsy, there's a babbling brook, there's a pool, hot tub, 24 hr gym, basketball court and racquetball court. Plus, there is a view of the entire valley. We get a porch AND a washer and dryer (hot DAMN!!). And best of all, it isn't the Grandview and we don't have to deal with our hellish manager Devon anymore. So move-in day is May 20th, which means I get to spend my birthday in my new pad. Awesome.
Next on the list is my impending graduation. I've got one more class to take this summer, then I graduate on August 18th. Its in the park blocks as opposed to the coliseum, which is better because I hate public recognition. Makes me blush.
And last but not least, James and I have officially booked our plane tickets to Europe. Mega-YAY. We leave on September 12th, arrive in London on September 13th. Yup, it takes that long (plus the 8 hour time difference). We fly out on October 1st from Paris. So in between we'll be staying in London for about 4 nights, Edinburgh for about 3 nights, maybe somewhere along the way for a night or two, then Paris for about 4 nights, and finally the French Riviera for 3 or 4 nights. You're jealous, aren't you? Its okay, you can say it...
MWA HA HAAAAAAA!!!!!!! <------ That's how smug and evil I am.
So those are the big ones. I should also add a condensed list of honorable mentions. Things that occupy my brain most of the day:
*Its sunny out.
* My physical therapy is going well. I've been technically "normal" for the last few weeks, and my health has been a LOT better lately.
* My 23rd birthday is coming up on May 31st.
* I just ate a very tasty bagel.
* Whidbey Island is inching closer and closer. I'm-a see me some whales! Darn tootin'.
* Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out in only 54 days!!!!! Not that I'm counting down the days or anything...
* And, relatively less interesting but still noteworthy, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes out in 46 days.
So hopefully things slow down pretty soon and I can go back to blogging about stupid, unimportant things. Cause those are always the funniest anyways.
I still haven't read any of the Harry Potter books. I'm a lahoosaher.
I am jealous of the Europe trip, but I'm so stinkin' tired right now that the idea of actually going is too much. You will have to bring me back something stolen. That's a little tradition I've got going on. James brought me a sign that says, "Do not throw paper in the toilet" from Germany. It has a picture of an angry toilet on it. Very classy, which is why it's hung in my bathroom.
Oh, and I just ate a tasty bagel too.
I have many many many boxes for you and James for the moving of the crap.
You have ruined me. I just remembered to tell you that. I was in the car with Haley and Scott (can't remember why) and someone said, "it can't be that hard" and I said, "that's what she said". I thought Scott was going to die of embarassment. You would have been so proud.
I'm so proud... *tear*
My little apprentice has become a master. Use it wisely, my friend. Use it wisely.
So Froeline, I am seriously jealous about the Europe fun. You must give us a detailed itinerary so we can be jealous of you every step of the way. (Makes the torture last longer)
The move is on the books for the Mac clan, and we also have many boxes for the packing of the crap. Moving day will be on the older Mac's B-day, (Jim, that is) so we must make it a real moving/b-day party! What say thee?
I say "YAY!". An official, on-the-books moving day! I was REALLY unsure about having you guys help considering it is Jim's bday, but James said he already talked to him... I still feel bad though.
But other than that I'm wicked excited to move!! See you soon
Oh I'm so happy to hear you guys are moving - that should be very very nice... I'll make sure Jon is available ot help move - this time it's gonna be on a Sunday instead of on a tuesday or whatever day that was last time....
Europe... I have nothing to say but *plllll* (that would be me stiking out my tonge and spitting a slite bit at you).
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