
Minerva, the once-quiet kitten, has turned into a total chatterbox. She walks around the apartment talking to me (and sometimes to herself) about what she sees and thinks. It is damn cute and I find the need to "mrow" back at her so she doesn't feel ignored. So you can just imagine me talking to my kitten in her language all day long. Just chatting. Girl talk mostly. Usually goes something like this:
Minerva: "Mrow".
(wait, no response)
Minerva: "MrooOOOW????"
Me: "Mrow, Minerva"
Minerva: *prrr, prrr* Mrow. Mrow Mrow. Mrrrrooooooow. *walks around mrowing at each object*
Then if I don't respond she'll come bite my fingers as I type my blog entry (as in just a minute ago) and sqeak at me, like "why don't you love me??"
At which point I respond "Mrow, Minerva! Mrow!"
And she jumps in my lap and purrs. And tries to eat my hair.
I verbally abuse my cat. It's very freeing, and she doesn't know the difference.
Yes we used to verbally abuse Martin J Dog all the time.... instead of saying "Martin" we would said "Dumb Ass" in the same loving tone and he would still come a-bounding! Well not so much a-bounding - but he would make his way toward you in slow very slow motion. He loved being called "Dumb Ass" or "Stupid" or many other very endearing terms. Oh god I miss that little pup... RIP Martin J Dog RIP
I preferred "Stank-Ass Dog"
My way of showing him I truly cared was to refer to him as a "Gay Old Man", in which I envisioned him in a purple or red silk robe, with a pipe in his mouth, sitting by a fire and reading Oscar Wilde. Yeah.... that's the Martin I always saw.
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