Vampire is to Garlic, as Kitten is to __________

Alas, it is me, my young ones. Come to impart my omnicient wisdom upon you.
Or just ramble for a while because it's winter break at my work and NOBODY is coming in. I'm seriously considering bringing in a small model house to build for James' dad's fantastically splendiforous model train world. I really do have that much time.
Anyways back on topic now. There are 2 correct answers: cayenne pepper and orange peels.
I was looking up ways to keep the Magic Kitten from conquering the Towering Pine in the living room, when I stumbled upon a website that suggested red pepper powder (the hotter the better) and orange peel around the base and in the lower branches of the tree. I was skeptical about the pepper (she is a MAGIC kitten, you know, and must therefore be impervious to mere spices), but I really didn't want orange peel rotting in a tree in my tiny apartment. Sounds like a recipe for bugs. And if you were there on moving day, you know about the bugs...
Anywho, I tried the pepper, and let me say I have finally found a defense for the antics of Magic Kitten. She tries, don't get me wrong. But she always comes out sneezing and eyes watering, cursing the tree with her mysterious kitten magic. I fear for the tree, actually.
The funny thing is when I'm in another room and I hear a bit of rustling, and then I see her come around the corner, trying to play it cool and innocent as she looks like a maced protestor. I've got your number kitty.
I can't explain the glee I felt knowing I had defeated a true champion. I feel kind of like a gladiator. Only not the ones that get ripped a new asshole in the arena. That Russell Crowe one. Yeah....
I'm laughing so hard MY eyes are watering.
I'm glad to hear you conquered the Magical Minerva. You won't have to find the chewed up ornaments in your shoes and such.
I also really like your title. Just a little too SATs for me, but still funny.
I'm SO there for the Shins. I'll be at your apt at 8 with booze in tow.
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