What the.... ?!?!?!?

This picture of a man is funny. It doesn't actually pertain to me post in any way, but I like it.
I may be going crazy from sleep deprivation, but I swear I just saw two birds flying around outside my work window (maybe 5 blocks away) TIED TO-FREAKIN'-GETHER. I swear. At least I swear I think I saw it. This both puzzles and disturbs me.
On a seperate note, last night's episode of Dexter rocked my socks off. Literally. I ended up with one sock on the floor, and no recollection of how it happened. That's how good that show is. Plus I have a major celebrity crush on Michael C. Hall (the guy who plays Dexter). And to all of you who think he's creepy, well.... I think you're creepy. He's wonderful, serial killer and all.
I once saw two dragonflies doing the naughty dance while flying. I thought to myself, "self, now that is a show of good time management".
I'm sorry you're going crazy.
I concur on the time management remark. And it made me laugh. Now that's the sign of a great sentence, eh? What the hell am I talking about. I think I'm still suffering from Birds-Flying-Tied-Together delusions. It'll wear off.
In response to Sarah's dragonflies doing the naughty dance - Haley and I actually tried taking a picture of 2 (I believe dragon flies) doing the nasty on mom and dads window in their living room... it didn't turn out though - it was too bright.... bummer though - that would have made for a good picture!
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