If I must, I must...

It is about time for New Years Resolutions, and I (like everyone else I know) am a seriously flawed individual. So, why not make the effort for self improvement, eh?? Riiiiggght...
1. Lose the 5 pounds of "holiday fat". How original, I know, but it is needed. Been feeling just a smidge too sluggish and gooey lately.
2. Keep the apartment clean. Yeah, I know, fat chance. But a girl can dream right?
3. Plan trip to Europe for next fall or spring of 2008. Woot woot!!
4. Decide what I want to do with my life, and my degree. Like that is really going to happen. But if its written here, maybe it will help the process along...
5. Do not break any more wine glasses. This will be a tough one, since in my home this is a favorite past-time, it seems.
That should do, for now. We will just have to wait and see how much of this actually gets accomplished.
PS. Doesn't Saddam look like the sad Teddy Bear? Odd....
I think my resolution is going to be to lose the 5 lbs of desserts I gained this week. Ok, I actually didn't gain any, but I feel fatter just thinking about all the wonderful food I've consumed since Christmas Eve. Mmmmm.
Shlee, I sent an email to James asking for your email address. He isn't responding quickly enough for my liking. I will text you my address later today.
Shweet. Thanks!
I've decided my New Years Resolution - other than finishing up the weight I have to lose still - like 40ish pounds!!! I would like to make my resolution to keep the upstairs as clean as my downstairs (Sarah you understand - you have 2 stories too).
I find...that if you do NOT purchase your wine glasses from the paper-thin world of IKEA...swedish meatballin bastards...they break less often. And that is what I find.
Oh, I don't do Ikea. I just get too drunk to function with a wine glass in my hand and end up breaking them. One by one, they all go down...
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