This Monkeys Gone to Heaven.

Its nowhere near done, but here you go. Proof that I'm doing at least ONE of my summer break resolutions. This is a painting/ drawing I started a looooong time ago. Its a rip-off of Goya's The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. I know, I know.... stealing another man's genius, but whatever. You try thinking of something that is emotional, beautiful and historically significant. Its damn hard. So I copy.
PS- The book to the right has the original.
Holy hell! You've been holding out on us. I think I may have to commision you to create something for me. I'm not picking if you copy other people's works... I here there's good money in that. Though how clean said money is I can't say.
Wow!Ashley, that is amazing.
Wat to go.
Amy- I'm okay with dirty money... :)
Mac- Thanks!
Beeeuuutifull theivery! I have no idea if that is even a word, but really you have some serious talent there little missy.
You got talent kid!!
And I quote James; "You got talent kid!"
Shlee, don't you just love that your "man" talks to you like a gangster from the 30's? I know I do! ((giggle))
Yea. So pretty much I am so jealous of your skills! I only wish I were that good at drawing. It would make my major be much easier. Good job by the way! Its amazing!
I can draw a stick figure man. Not a woman, but a man. That's it. *tear*
I actually prefer dirty money to clean money. It makes things more exciting.
Thanks guys! We'll see how it turns out...
Sue- I DO love it :)
Sarah- I agree. Makes me more likely to spend it.
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