I call it "Hate-Ball"

I'm in a HORRIBLE mood. So horrible, I'm tying in red. For many reasons, the most prominent one of the moment being that I have been rejected for insurance coverage. Apparently I'm damaged goods.
So, I've planned a game to try to make me feel better. Post a reply with something you hate so intensely that it could possibly surpass my hate of insurance companies.
Good luck, I'm pretty pissed.
Well. That's a hard one (that's what she said, etc....)
I too hate insurance companies. They are the bastards of the world.
I win!
By the way that sucks donkey dicks about the insurance. How the freak is that possible?
Oh wait, cause you NEED it, you can't HAVE it, right?
I hate Indian women who leave unintelligible messages on my answering machine about Avon.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car.
In college I was rear-ended and had to get a rental car. The guy's insurance covered it so I was okay with a free car. Went in to pick up the car and they asked if I wanted the supplemental insurance on it. I said, "only if the guy's insurance will cover it." They told me they would put it on there only if it was covered.
They put it on there. And it was not covered. When I returned the car some 2 months later it was on the bill. I said hell no and they took it off. A month and a half later they charged my credit card, succeding in maxing it out.
They claimed no fault. I claimed Better Business Bureau. They caved. And I will forever hate Enterprise Rent-A-Car.
This inno way matches your hatred, but I had to give it a shot. I don't understand why and insurance would deny you. It's not like you have some fatal disease or leprosy. This would never happen in a socialist government.
Mac- I've taught you well...
Susie Q- Bush is riiiiight up there. Yeah, its stupid. James and I were talking about that, when you need it you can't have it. But if you're healthy (ie won't need doctors/pills) they'd love to take your monthly check. My mom was denied for...wait for it.... a CATARACT.
Who are these superhumans that they accept!?!?
Sarah- I am SO with you on this one. Only not about Avon. Now, everyone is going to think I'm racist, but ever since I started to work in the school of business.... Indian people drive me crazy. There. I said it. I feel sick now....
Amy- I've actually heard of something like that happening before. You are not alone.
And way to throw in some good-old fashioned socialist rhetoric. I've been saying we need universal health care for years! That's it, I'm moving to Canada... Apparently everyone there is funnier.
Oh and - My insurance company that ran out on my b-day agreed to cover my physical therapy appointments but has since refused to pay the bills about half a dozen times. I have to keep calling my nurse, who in turn calls them and tells them they have to pay.
I now understand why you were rejected for insurance coverage. It took me a while to figure it out.
It's because you are white, born in the U.S. and your last name is not gon-freaking-zoles. Or Lopez. Or Guerro. Or Rod-damn-riguez.
OK. You started it. But for me, this is what pisses me off beyond most things.
Have a nice day. Or should I say.
Eso Si Que Es?
Okay Shlea - how about the morons on the road that slow down without a blinker to check to see if it's THE ROAD they need to take - it's not so they keep going, speeding up and slowing down at every damn intersection, finally realizing they've missed their turn a half mile back and swing a Uey in the middle of the street nearly hitting you and the oncoming traffic... but they didn't even notice because they are on the phone and drinking coffee and eating some sort of pastry sort. I hate people like that.... completey oblivious and only caring about themselves..
Oh and the insurance thing pisses me off for you... Insurance is a scam.... my pastors wife can't get insurance because she is too skinny...
Mac- Socks! Heheh
Emily- Don't even get me started on various incapable driver-types!
Being too skinny? Wow. So, they won't insure obese people (I'm assuming) and they won't insure skinny people... hmmm... I'm beginning to see a trend.
Oh and my pills that keep me from feeling like someone is stabbing my bladder with a million needles are running out. Without insurance they cost up near $500 a month. I just applied to the Oregon Medical Insurance Pool, where my premium will be $200/month, and I don't even know if they cover the pills I need.
Daddy's gonna lose it kids!!!
I hate sharks. And insurance companies. And insurance companies that employ sharks. Those are the worst.
Shle this sucks ass - I reallyhope it all works out and fast.
I used to hate seagulls. I had a full out war with them for many years. Most of my youth was interupted by the on going battle between me and those little rats with wings. I would sneak up on a big group of them (usually in the parking lot of the sunset esplanade, aka "the nad") and when I got within a firing distance I would take my shoe and heeve it at one of them. Don't worry Ashley I never managed to hit one, that I can remember. But uh..you know, it was hard. I'm still going to a shrink about it and I don't think the war will ever not be a part of me. But that's the real war, dealing with it. I was tired of being angry all the time- with seagulls...
I've become a better person since then. I don't believe seagulls are Satin's spies. They're just coastal dwelling birds, that's it. They have a right to be here just like you and me.
But I have to admit that on occation I will catch a seagull out of the corner of my eye sizing me up. They still remember....
For the record, James thinks seagulls are cute now. One time we saw one that seemed to be balancing on one foot. We were like "He's balancing on one foot! What a cutie!!!", then quickly realized that he only had one foot.... It was a sad day.
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