Homer Llama Beer.

Question: What do these three lovely things have in common?
Answer: They will all be a part of my weekend.
That's right kiddos. This weekend the universe has decided to cut me a break and align itself. In the span of a few days The Simpsons movie will come out, The Brewer's Festival will be held downtown, and the Washington County Fair will delight me with both carnie food and farm animals.
As Mr. Burns would say, "Excellent."
This pleases me.
You know they put the farm animals that didn't win ribbons from last year in that food. I'd watch out. Keep it to cotton candy.
Ooooh!!!! I want to go! I haven't been to a fair in YEARS! And there will be llamas? Good stuff. Mmmmaaa <---that was supposed to be a llama sound, but it just looks like "mmmaaa". No, I'm not drunk.
Ahh the Fair. It's been a while.
Kara- Good thinking. But how can I be sure unless I eat some of everything first? Best to investigate this further...
Sarah- YES!! You can and should come. Actually, James might not even go with me. The only day he has free is Sunday. So if he doesn't go we should go together with the kiddun's and if he does go with me on Sunday you should still come.
And hell fucking yes there will be llamas.
Mac- About a year to be exact... I love fairs :)
The carnies, the throw-up rides, the animal stench. What's not to love at a fair?
Actually, Jim and I will be attending the odl fair this very evening! We intend to ride our bikes over and just do some serious people and beast watching.
Oh, you'll never believe this! As I'm writing this, Hopper walks in and announces she's just returned from the afore mentioned fair! Just walked in the door, I tell you. Said it was fun and far too warm. (Should make the animal stench even BETTER, woo,hoo!(((sniff)))
Hooray for carnie food! I love that everything at the fair comes on a stick... hotdogs, bananas, pickles, corn, cotton candy, cheese.
My theory is that the food-on-a-stick phenomenon is to accomodate all the one-armed carnies of the world that have lost their arms in tragic ferris wheel accidents and can no longer use utensils.
Jon and I talked about going tonight - but we decided to get a little exercise in and we went for a walk.... maybe we will join in on the Sunday fair goings if we can tag along.... give details.
Sue- Excellent.
Amy- That is a very intriguing theory... I never put it together before, but it all fits!
I'm still waiting for salmon on a stick. I think that could be delightful.
Emily- Stay tuned. Details to follow...
Sorry, nothing delightful about salmon on a stick. Tuna, maybe. Halibut, for sure.
"Spider Pig, Spider Pig. Does whatever a Spider Pig does.
Can he swing from a web? No he can't he's a pig.
Lookout he is a Spider Pig!"
Hadsdown one of the best Simpsons movie moments!
Spider Pig
Amy- Agreed. I was singing that for a good 20 minutes after we left the movie :)
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