You might not see or hear much of me for the next 4 weeks. I'm going into "Finish - Up - Your - Classes - Please - Oh - God - Oh - God - Don't - Fail- You - Need - To - Pass - These - Classes - To - Graduate - And - You - Need - To - Graduate - To - Go - To - Europe" mode.
Wish me luck, sanity, and lenient professors.
Oh Ashley, this is why I never took on that whole "school" thing. It's too much...school.
Sucks that the Harry Potter book comes out tomorrow - that and all the studying you will be doing - we really are never going to see you!!! I miss you already!!!! Come back to us Shley - come back!!!!!!
You are welcome to come to the old Mac house to study ANYTIME! I will provide milk and cookies and quiet.
Yeah, as James says "School's for fools".
MMM... Milk and cookies!
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