Post of Nothingness.

I sat down to blog and shortly realized I have nothing to talk about. I kept thinking of things and then my brain would go "No, that's stupid." Or "You already told everybody that." So, I give you a picture of a black hole. Kinda looks like a fish eye to me, a fish way down in the abyss. Speaking of which, that movie is freaking weird. I love it, don't get me wrong, but what the heck?? Maybe I need to rewatch it or something, cause from what I remember there's some people on a submarine, something about offshore oil rigs, some crazy guy with an atomic bomb and then out of nowhere aliens show up. And I think there might be terrorists involved. Hmm.... Oh well, its about as coherent as any of my thoughts are, so I really can't complain.
I'm getting excited for my many up-comings. Especially moving and Whidby Island. I thought I'd post a few scary orca pictures for your enjoyment:

This one is my personal favorite. This sweet little orca is eating his trainer. How cute.
In conclusion, I have nothing to talk about and orcas are murderous, vindictive, baby eaters.
Your pour sick thoughts.... you and Sarah.... Sarah assumes she is going to be consumed by a RANDOM Tidal Wave off the coast of Oregon and you think you or I am going to be eaten by a Whale.... this is interesting to me.... it's ok I think that if I get in a plane it's going to blow up or plumet to the ground... pretty thoughts huh??? What else scary ass thing can we think of....
Oh I have another one.... driving over a bridge - I'm convinced that at that very moment I am crossing it there will be a huge earth quake and the whole thing is going to come crumbeling down....
How about standing too close to an edge. Who knows when a sudden, strong gust of wind will blow you right off? Or, one of my personal favorites: Walking over a slick-looking metal surface downtown. James makes fun of me because I will go all the way around the larger ones to avoid them. Even when they're completely dry. I just don't like falling on my ass!!!
RANDOM tidal wave? That's pretty cocky Em. They are anything but random. They are sent from Hell to get me. Nothing random about that.
One more scary ass thing, space. Period. The whole freakin' idea makes me want to hurl.
You are right Sarah - I musnt make fun of fears - they are not funny....
Oh and here is another one.... the deep end of a swimming pool - is this one only me? I am convinced that while I am swimming so peacefully in the deep end a shark or anything else large and scary for that matter is going to get me... I know completely irrational - but all fear is right?
I agree with the deep end thing (except the shark idea... hmm)... I dont like deep water at all. If I cant touch easily... its too deep! Lakes, the ocean... these are not for swimming. On a boat is one thing (depending on the size of boat, ocean liner, cruise ship, etc.), but not behind a boat or out of a boat or even in the water without floatation devices of some sort.
That is not true! Orcas are not murderious creatures! I want to become a Shamu Trainer and the Orca probably had a reason. you don't know the reason so u shouldn't say things u don't know what ur talking about! I have studied Orcas and know their behaivor. That orca IS NOT eating his trainer, but being aggresive to show whos's boss. That or mad B/C it was not allowed to mate (Mating season).
A- You don't know me
B- If you knew me you would know that I was joking
C- Fuck off. Don't start arguments over trivialities like your whale preferences on other people's blogs.
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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