I dont' have a title...

I just had a very odd dream last night and felt like sharing it.
Well, I was in a sea kayak in what looked like the area around Whidbey. (If you know me, then you'll know where I'm going with this).
So, of course orcas start popping out of the water all around me. I paddle towards shore but somehow end up further out again. Then the orcas start popping up right underneath me, bumping me, and one of them bit me. But it was a soft bite, like what Minerva does.
Then, out of nowhere, I'm at my Dad's house, but James and I live there. I am waking up in the morning after the sea-kayaks-of-doom. Apparently we didn't lock the front door when we got home for some strange dream-related reason that made total sense when I dreamt it. So I go into the kitchen and there's this dude trying to get in. He acts like he's just some sort of repairman who was trying to get in but I call his bluff. He starts to run off and I tell him I'm going to call the cops, to which he says, "Good, I'll be jacking off in the bushes!".
Then for some reason he turns into Edward Scissorhands, only with an "H" carved into his head just to the right of his right eyebrow.
Well, enough of me being a weirdo-pants. I have a garden! I have 20 plants out on my deck, as well as a cedar Adirondack chair for which to sit on. I've been doing lots of planting (my mom gave me 18 pots), so naturally a lot of dirt has been falling on the patio under us. I feel really bad. Also, when I water them it all spills down on them too. I'm afraid I'm really going to piss them off. Anyone have any suggestions? Not so much about the dirt cause I'm done transferring plants. My tendency is to just not care, but James is worried that we're screwing them over. I told him its water and who cares.
First of all, you are indeed a weirdo-pants. Yet, I adore you, go figure.
Also, the orca blog will probably get your "scary comment chick of yore" to pipe in again. Be watchful.
Lastly, I suppose you could put saucers under all the plants, just be careful not to overwater them, cause they will be sittin' in their own run-off.
Oh and one more thing I promise; I read a book to the kids Tuesday night that will cause you to loose it completely!!!! It's called Davy's Dream. Orcas frolicking with little Davy in a sailboat. Good God, it's your nightmares written in children's book form!!!!
In this heat the water will turn into gas before it can even hit them. I think you need to test this theory buy pouring water over the side without the pretense of watering your plants.
I love you.
Is it weird that Johnny Depp is at his absolute hottest in his Scissorhands ensemble? Seriously...what is it about that man and costumes with bad wigs? Yum.
Your dreams sound like mine! We were sitting around talking about wierd dreams the other day. Haley was cracking me up. She said she woke up screaming swear words at someone who was holding her arm behind her back. It was herself, of course...
Yo. I need your address.
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