Apparently there's nowhere to sleep in Edinburgh. Well, at least there's nowhere REASONABLE to sleep... Either you pay $200 a night or you sleep in a total sty in the outskirts of the city.
I've been looking for a place to stay in Edinburgh for a good month now. I might have to bite the bullet and pay more. Yipes!
On another, more fashionable note: I bought some clothes yesterday. And I know you're all SO very interested....
Actually I was on my way to the bus downtown and on an impulse I decided to look for new shorts (having broken my only pair. That's right... broken...). Instead of buying new shorts (because apparently Nordstrom doesn't sell a single pair of normal, short shorts, the hip bastards that they are), I came out with 2 shirts, some $70 jeans, and some half-way shorts. Call it a birthday splurge. I call it impulse shopping, and it usually strikes about 4-5 times a year. Other than those splurges I'm really rather frugal.
Man this is a boring post.
But you're still reading. HAH!
I could REALLY go for some sushi right now.