How 'Bout Some More?
You know the drill...
1- Sunset in Key West again.
2- There were chickens running all over Key West! We were told they were Cuban chickens. Somehow it made them even cuter :) This one was struttin' round the pool.
3- I don't think #3 needs a description...
4- Me, poolside, drinking a strawberry colada. Ahh........ Of course I immediately proceeded to call James and brag. Naturally.
5- Key West pool, sans chicken.
6- The water at Bahia Honda beach, one of the coolest state parks I've ever been to.
7- The *ahem* bridge, at Bahia Honda. Don't worry, that's the old one. We used the newer, more complete version.
8- This is when we were going over the 7-mile bridge in the Keys. And it ain't just a cute name folks, like the "Hundred Years War". It's 7 miles.
9- The sunset in Key Biscayne (just south of Miami). I want to live there so, so, so bad.
10- A lil' more Key Biscayne, or as I call it "holy crap!".
11- Crooked palm trees in Miami.
12- Finally, we have South Beach. "My wa-ta-ma-la-ness. My natural heat."
I couldn't resist a Birdcage reference.

The 7 mile bridge freaks me out. Am I alone here?
And thank you for the Birdcage reference, a chuckle every time.
I thought of you guys when we were going over the bridge. And on the plane. And in the "storm" (or, as I called it, THE HURRICANE). And next to the gator.... I'm seeing a trend here. I've begun to associate this family with phobias...
seven mile bridge. i say screw that!!! your so right ashley, phobias are definitely in our blood.
i want one of those chickens.
oh yea and i reeeaaallllyyyy want to go there! : )
Yup, old people abound in Naples area. Sarasota too (where Rob's folks are). And all of those gators want to eat Edie's little dog Paco. Snackage!
wow...florida looks so much better when it's not pictures of disney world.
Haley- I know! And the chicken must have a Cubano name. Like Esteban.
Sarah- Yeah, most places in Florida and Arizona are simply TEEMING with old folk.
Kara- Doesn't it just?
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