Behold, and be jealous!
I am no longer pasty and pale, but rather tan and kinda peely.
For some lame, blogger-related reason, I can't give descriptions below the pictures (I think blogger needs an ass-whoopin', personally), so I'll give the descriptions beforehand! It'll be fun!
1- Pelicans! They're so cool. They were stealing people's fish right off the line. One of them got caught in my great uncle's line, so he had to reel him in and my dad freed him! And I missed it... too busy tanning?
2- The fishin' pier in Naples (where said pelican-nabbing occurred).
3- Sunset in Key West.
4- The beach in Key West, a few blocks from the southernmost point in the US, and about 90 miles from Coo-bah.
5- If you live in Naples, you're almost absolutely over 60. You probably also live ON a golf course, as do my great uncle and his girlfriend. As in, you walk out on your back porch and see a random dude playing through your begonias.
6- The glass-bottom of our glass-bottom boat we went on in Key West.
7- The front end of our glass-bottom boat. Would ye LOOK at that water!?! Hard to believe, but this picture didn't even capture the blueness.
8- I love this shot. We went through that mangrove tunnel on our fan-boat ride in the Everglades.
9- I TOLD you I'd see me some gators!!! Tons of em! This one was about 5 feet from me :)
10- Ah, the everglades. So hot and smelly, but just beautiful.
11- The fan-boat. Its gets AWESOME mileage: 1 mile per gallon... *hides from Al Gore*

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Oh man, I would love a ride on a gas hogging fan boat!
And Floreeda looks amazing. I can almost see Horagio from CSI standing there with his standard issue shades on, head cocked, body turned sideways as he mutters some far too hip comment for a pasty "ginger".
I've always thought that guy was WAY too cock-sure for a filthy ginger.
That was harsh...
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