Mildly Insane

I took this test on and found out that I have a sanity level of 58. I'm not sure how sane or insane that makes me, but there it is. Do you ever find yourself lying to quizzes? Like somehow the computer will judge you? I do that. (ie- "Do you ever eat when you're not hungry?" "No..... only CRAZY people do that...")
So I should probably be looking harder for a job. But.... you know. Meh. I'm getting a paycheck once a week, damnit!
Not much else is going on, but I felt like I should blog. Lets see... The stores are all decked-out for Christmas already and its pissing me off. I've been trying to ignore it (using my keen tunnel vision) until at least the week of Thanksgiving. Seriously, I do not need to hear "White Christmas" playing at my QFC on November 1st, still all hungover from Halloween night, thank you.
Also, my foot is falling asleep. And I have a ganglion cyst in my hand. Its this pea-sized bump under my skin and its starting to annoy me. I watched this video on youtube of someone popping one of these and squeezing out the white "vaseline-like" goo. It has piqued my interest.....
Please promise me you will either wait for me to be there when you pop it or at least get it on film. I'm even more freaky than you.
Okay so I don't know which part of this post to comment on first... I think I will just go with the puss... seriously that sounds disgustingly amazing! I kind of want a cyst to pop now... is that weird?
Oh and where did you find that quiz? i'm curious - I would like to know how sane or insane I am too!
Are you ready for Christmas yet? I am - but I have for the last couple of weeks! I'm totally one of those weirdos that listens to Christmas music in early November! :)
Remind us to tell you the story of my mom popping a ganglion cyst on my wrist with a croquet mallet at a family picnic once. Yup, she was a nurse, so we all assumed it was fine...
I can vouch for that crap about my mom. You girls and your obsessions with all things gooey. Yeeeesh! Apparently you were born to it and it skipped a generation. Cause, yuck!
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