Cause Everyone Should Know...

Just so you know, the joke behind my title is a Simpsons quote (as is 99.3% of my daily dialogue. I know, its annoying to quote tv shows..... Shut up!!!). Its one of my favorite lines ever, and it goes like this:
Mr. Burns and Homer are playing golf. Homer picks up a club to guide his golf ball out of a sand trap.
Mr Burns- "No, no, no. Use an open-faced club! A sand-wedge!!"
Homer- "Mmm...... Open-faced club sandwich....*drool*"
So there you have it. Now, whoever you are, according to the laws I previously instituted, (see right under blog title) I love you. Yes, you. No, no..... not the guy next to you. That's right. You.
By the way, James now quotes The Simpsons more than I do. I've still got a good 15 years on him in Simpsons experience though...